
9:30-12:00 – Warm-ups, Basics and Forms – Call for info to Chain of Lakes Park meetups

Attend this class any Saturday! Its the best way to meet us, try our style see if it’s a good fit for you.


Tán Tuǐ consists of a series of lines, that contain a set number of movements, repeated on the left and right sides. While there are a variety of ways of doing Tán Tuǐ, usually it is organized into either a ten or twelve-line routine. Click here to view a demonstration of the form.

Longfist (Chang Chuan) Longfist is an expansive, open and honest athletic style, suitable for people who favor an active, invigorating and revitalizing workout. All levels of experience are welcome. Watch video Ambush Fist  (Mei Hua Chuan Longfist)

Chen Taiji  the Ultimate Art, is comprised of hard and soft movements that nourish and strengthen one’s health and awareness. This original Chen style utilizes spiraling actions to unify and coordinate the body, mind, and spirit. Unearth the practical usage of traditional martial arts with Chen Taiji.

Weapons can help to develop a solid foundation for kung fu training. Sword, Saber and Staff are excellent weapons for all levels.

Classes meet at Chain of Lakes West Road in Golden Gate Park.

Gold Mountain Kung fu School is from a lineage of traditional Chinese northern styles of martial arts. Our workouts are great way to gain focus and discipline with passion and positive energy in an atmosphere of mutual respect and support. Students are encouraged to creatively learn from their peers. We use various interactive teaching formats such as one-on-one, small and large groups. Sifu Valerie Lee has been practicing kung-fu for 0ver 35 years and is a licensed acupuncturist since 1987.



